ESP-LiveControl  1.99.1
HTTP server, AJAX API backend and Vue.js web application implementing self-contained, zero-install WiFi remote control of hardware modules attached to the Espressif ESP32 SoC
ESP-LiveControl Documentation


HTTP server, AJAX API backend and Vue.js web application implementing self-contained, zero-install WiFi remote control of hardware modules attached to the Espressif ESP32 SoC.

Current application is set up for the electronics hardware laboratory, generating a Phase-Shift-PWM waveform between two pairs of hardware pins using the full-featured ESP32 MCPWM module.

This also features auxiliary measurement and control functions:

  • Calibrated temperature sensor readout for KTY81-121 type silicon temperature sensors using the ESP32 ADC in its high-linearity region
  • PWM reference signal generation for hardware overcurrent detector
  • External GPIO output control for relays, fan, enable and error-reset

Cloud-Free (On-Board-Hosted) Single-Page Web Application

Stored in on-board flash (SPIFFS/LittleFS), served by an instance of ESPAsyncWebServer and coupled using a fully-async HTTP GET and SSE push API, the web application implements a tabbed-view hardware remote-control user interface designed for either mobile, hardware dashboard or PC.

The web application is designed to serve as a live-feedback, fairly responsive, hardware remote user interface, running in a point-to-point fashion on an isolated network.

The web app is built using Vue.js v3.

User interface widgets are implemented as vue.js single-file-components.

API interface and remote state is implemented in a state store object using the vue composition API in file: vue_app/src/api/useApiStore.js.

WiFi/Network configuration is done using a dedicated WiFiConfigurator application component, designed for to be as-well suited for permanent access-point mode as for joining an existing network.

WiFi credentials are stored in NVS storage separate from application, but NVS/flash encryption is OFF.

SSL is (currently) /not/ implemented for the web server or application.

Server component and C++ API documentation

C++ Application Data Model

C++ Application Controller Implementing C++ and HTTP GET API

  • AppController
    This features the main control functions for PWM frequency, duty cycle etc.
    Also, periodic state feedback for all hardware functions is sent to the HTTP remote application using Server-Sent Events from a FreeRTOS timer task.
    Some auxiliary functions like GPIO and temperature readouts is outsourced to class AuxHwDrv.

C++ HTTP and SSE Event Server

Auxiliary Hardware Control and Utility Classes

Low-Level-Driver (ESP-IDF Compatible)

Application Configuration

HTTP API Documentation

Single-page Web Application:

  • Static HTTP content is served from SPI flash file system
  • HTTP route for static content: /s/
  • Path on SPI flash filesystem (SPIFFS/Littlefs): www/
  • Vue application sources subfolder: vue_app/

Hardware device is controlled via HTTP GET requests:

  • HTTP API endpoint:
  • Server response to control requests:
    HTTP Status 200 OK and plain text content "OK"

List of HTTP GET API requests for application control:

  • Activate/deactivate the setpoint throttling / soft-start feature
  • User setpoint limits (custom adjustment range) for output frequency [kHz]
  • PWM output frequency setpoint [kHz]
  • Setpoint throttling / soft-start speed for output frequency [kHz/sec]
  • User setpoint limits (custom adjustment range) for PWM result duty cycle [%]
  • PWM result duty cycle setpoint [%]
  • Setpoint throttling / soft-start speed for PWM result duty cycle [kHz/sec]
  • Dead-time setpoint for leading and lagging half-bridge leg [ns]
  • Activate/deactivated the PWM output signal
  • Length of the power output one-shot timer pulse [sec]
  • Trigger a one-shot output power pulse of configurable length [sec]
  • Clear the hardware error shutdown latch
  • Power stage overcurrent limit (depends on measurement shunt value) [A]
  • Overtemperature protection limits for sensor channels 1 and 2 [°C]
  • Activate/deactivate power output relays/contactors
  • Fan override:
    // When set to "true", fan is always ON. Otherwise, fan is temperature-controlled
  • Save all runtime settings to SPI flash for persistence accross hardware restarts

Server sends periodic application status update via Server-Sent Events:

  • SSE event source endpoint:
  • Event source "app_state" telegram content is a JSON formatted data object:
    // Setpoint throttling / soft-start feature activated/deactivated
    "setpoint_throttling_enabled": (true|false)
    // Clock divider settings (read-only) [number factor]
    "base_div": (uint8),
    "timer_div": (uint8),
    // Hardware setpoint limits (maximum adjustment range) for output frequency [kHz]
    "frequency_min_hw": (float),
    "frequency_max_hw": (float)
    // User setpoint limits (custom adjustment range) for output frequency [kHz]
    "frequency_min": (float)
    "frequency_max": (float)
    // PWM output frequency setpoint [kHz]
    "frequency": (float)
    // Setpoint throttling / soft-start speed for output frequency [kHz/sec]
    "frequency_changerate": (float)
    // User setpoint limits (custom adjustment range) for PWM result duty cycle [%]
    "duty_min": (float)
    "duty_max": (float)
    // PWM result duty cycle setpoint [%]
    "duty": (float)
    // Setpoint throttling / soft-start speed for PWM result duty cycle [kHz/sec]
    "duty_changerate": (float)
    // Hardware limits for dead-time adjustment [ns]. Sum of dead-times must be smaller.
    "dt_sum_max_hw": (float)
    // Dead-time setpoint for leading and lagging half-bridge leg [ns]
    "lead_dt": (float)
    "lag_dt": (float)
    // Power stage overcurrent limit (depends on measurement shunt value) [A]
    "current_limit": (float)
    // Overtemperature protection limits for sensor channels 1 and 2 [°C]
    "temp_1_limit": (float)
    "temp_2_limit": (float)
    // Temperature sensor readout for channels 1 and 2 [°C]
    "temp_1": (float)
    "temp_2": (float)
    // Heatsink fan activated/deactivated
    "fan_active": (true|false)
    // Fan override activated/deactivated:
    // When set to "true", fan is always ON. Otherwise, fan is temperature-controlled
    "fan_override": (true|false)
    // Power output relays on/off
    "relay_ref_active": (true|false)
    "relay_dut_active": (true|false)
    // Gate driver supply and disable signal status (reat-only)
    "drv_supply_active": (true|false)
    "drv_disabled": (true|false)
    // PWM output signal activated/deactivated
    "power_pwm_active": (true|false)
    // Hardware Fault Shutdown Status is latched using this flag (read-only)
    "hw_oc_fault": (true|false)
    // Overtemperature shutdown active flag (read-only)
    "hw_overtemp": (true|false)
    // Length of the power output one-shot timer pulse [seconds]
    "oneshot_len": (float)

Example application control from PC side:

  • Python example:
    import requests
    url = "http://pwm-generator.local/cmd"
    cmd1 = {"set_frequency": 500}
    cmd2 = {"set_duty": 45.3}
    requests.get(url, cmd1)
    requests.get(url, cmd2)


Appliation Main Page

Appliation Settings

WiFi Network Configuration


GPL v3.0